A certain recovery period is necessary after having dental implants fitted, and in the vast majority of cases, everything goes smoothly. But what about eating after the surgery? Here’s a quick overview.
After one or two implants are fitted
Did you have just one or two implants fitted? In this case, dietary restrictions are relatively minor. Eating after surgery is quite normal, as you can simply chew on the opposite side of your mouth from the place that was operated on. All you need to do is avoid harder foods, for several weeks.
After several implants are fitted
Week 1 and 2: liquid or puréed food
In the first two weeks after the installation of dental implants, it’s important to help the affected zone to heal. Eating only liquid or puréed food is recommended: soups, oatmeal, smoothies, yogurts, stewed fruits, etc. This means that you avoid putting pressure on the sensitive area, and you prevent any pain or bleeding. It’s also better to eat lukewarm foods, and not to drink very hot or very cold drinks.
Weeks 3 and 4: slightly more solid food
More solid foods are allowed in the third week: eggs, fish, pasta, cereal, soft foods that are finely cut. Eating lukewarm food is still recommended.
After 1 month: meat and soft vegetables
After a month, it’s possible to introduce tender meat and well-cooked vegetables into your menu, and to start eating hot food again. Now’s the time to start cooking up some stews!
After 2 months: moderate chewing
Two months after surgery, you can start chewing in moderation, but should still avoid doing it on the affected side of your mouth as much as possible. You can introduce slightly firmer foods into your diet, but not foods that are tough or hard to chew.
Full recovery: back to a normal diet
Three months after surgery, it will be possible to eat normally again. These three months of restricted diet can seem long. Remember that they will soon be nothing more than a bad memory, and that you will be able to take advantage of stronger, more reliable teeth for at least two decades! Dental implants are the best solution possible to improve your chewing. You’ll feel like you have all your natural teeth again!
If you have any questions about dental implants, contact us.